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April 11, 2018 RAPID RESPONSE

"Hey hun! Just how bad do you want your heat fixed?" - Sexual Harassment in Residential Housing

Thanks to the #MeToo movement, sexual harassment, in the context of employment, has finally been brought out into the daylight. Lurking in the shadows, however, are the indignities and harassment women sometimes suffer at the hands of their landlords, in the one place they should feel safe and secure, their home. The Federal Fair Housing Act makes it illegal for a landlord to condition a woman’s housing upon her acquiescence to his demands for sexual favors. Through well-established and current case law, we discuss quid pro quo and hostile environment situations that arise in the residential housing context; both subsidized and non-subsidized housing. We also examine their rights and remedies.


  • Kelly Clarke
  • Katie Raimondo
  • Kathy T. Trawick
  • Kayla Wallace

Co-Sponsor: Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Workplace Working Group

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