In our commissions and committees, we, like so many others, are discussing policing and the criminal legal response to gender based violence, and seeking better, anti-racist alternatives. Over the last several years, we have jointly explored Restorative Justice models through conversations and discussions with Professors Leigh Goodmark and Quince Hopkins. We believe Restorative Justice is an option that can work well for gender-based violence cases and want to provide guidance to legal professionals working in this field. Our esteemed panel discusses how Restorative Justice programs work generally and then offers specific guidance for gender-based violence cases, including a discussion of the Department of Justice-funded RESTORE program. Many are suggesting Restorative Justice as a key foundation for criminal law reform and we are eager to explore specifically how this practice would work safely in gender-based violence cases.
July 22, 2020 Rapid Response
Restorative Justice & Gender Based Violence
- Donna Coker, Professor of Law & Dean’s Distinguished Scholar, University of Miami School of Law
- Mary P. Koss, Regents’ Professor, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, University of Arizona
- Aparna Polavarapu, Associate Professor of Law, University of South Carolina School of Law
- Mimi Kim, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, California State University - Long Beach; Founder, Creative Interventions; Co-Founder, INCITE!
Dipti Pidikiti-Smith, Deputy Director of Advocacy, Legal Services of Northern Virginia
Joint Sponsor: ABA Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence
Presentation: Mary P. Koss
Transcript: Restorative Justice & Gender Based Violence
The RESTORE Conference Model FAQ
Restorative Justice for Sexual Misconduct: Not if but When
The RESTORE Program for sex crimes
Restorative Justice for Acquaintance Rape and Misdemeanor Sex Crimes
The RESTORE Program of Restorative Justice for Sex Crimes: Vision, Process, and Outcomes
A National Portrait of Restorative Approaches to Intimate Partner Violence
Can Restorative Practices Address Intimate Partner Violence?
Responding to Violence, Restorative Justice
Healing Together with the Alliance for Boys and Men of Color
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