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June 07, 2021 RAPID RESPONSE

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Military: Racial Disparity in the Services

This panel provides an educational discussion of racial disparities in the Military Justice System and its impacts on mission effectiveness and readiness. The 1972 “Report of the DOD Task Force on the Administration of Military Justice in the Armed Forces” talked about the lack of minority officers as a factor contributing to ineffectiveness and diminished readiness. Notably, there was a recent investigation at Fort Hood, TX into racial discrimination and sexual harassment of minority service members. The results of that investigation are pertinent to this discussion.

The discussion includes a review of the 1972 DOD Task Force Report and other relevant publications. It highlights several seminal and historic cases relevant to this discussion on the disparity in military justice by commanders when determining the level of nonjudicial punishment or military justice action taken against a minority service member in comparison with a Caucasian service member.

Finally, the discussion includes recommendations and initiatives in each of the services towards correcting these disparities. 



Joint Sponsor: ABA Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law

Co-Sponsor: ABA Coalition on Racial and Ethnic JusticeABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights & ResponsibilitiesABA Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender IdentityABA Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipeline


Transcript: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Military: Racial Disparity in the Services

Presentation: Colonel Christopher Shaw

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