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June 21, 2021 RAPID RESPONSE

Police in Schools: Racial Justice and True Student Safety?

The question of whether police belong in schools has been a long-debated topic in the United States. With the increased focus on policing generally, the debate has grown more intense. Proponents argue that police can more effectively address student-to-student conflict, such as bullying, and increase overall safety in an age of recurring school shootings. Those who oppose argue that police in schools contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline and result in disparities based on race and/or disability in discipline and arrests, as well as a climate of fear for students of color. Speakers on this program present the data, discuss the impact of police in schools and examine this issue critically to confront the question of whether police in schools result in enhanced student safety.



Joint Sponsors: ABA Coalition on Racial and Ethnic JusticeABA Litigation Section Children’s Rights Litigation Committee


Transcript: Police in Schools: Racial Justice and True Student Safety?

Presentations: Ky'Eisha W. PennMiriam Rollin

Partnership Paper: Police in Schools

ABA Litigation Section White Paper: Police in Schools: Developments, Issues, and Best Practices

Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Act Support Letter

When Girls of Color Are Assaulted by School Police in the US

Policy Brief: School Policing Disparities for Black Girls

What Do We Mean When We Say Police-Free Schools? 1 Pager

Fund Care & Communities: Defund and Delegitimize Youth Criminalization

Police-Free Schools New York City Website

OPED: Policing is A Public Health Crisis

Video Footage from the largest PFS protest in NYC history

#PoliceFreeSchools Victories

Advancement Project - Police in Schools Report & Action Kit

Federal Counseling Not Criminalization in Schools Bills in the Senate and House

Ending School Contracts with Law Enforcement

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