Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders are often viewed together as one indistinguishable culture or ethnicity. Though inclusive, this categorization has the unintended consequence of obfuscating the distinct identity of the Native Hawaiian community and similar Pacific indigenous peoples. Much of the Native Hawaiian experience has been dominated by interactions with the United States and the relationship with settlers from Asia and Europe, resulting in a unique history that is rarely discussed thoroughly. This webinar explores the past, present, and future of the Native Hawaiian identity. Our panel discusses the status and realities of this community, along with measures to uplift the voices of Native Hawaiians in the Asian American and Pacific Islander activist movement.
Native Hawaiian Identity, Rights and Policy Issues
- Lenna M. Aoki, General Counsel, U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs
- Derek Kauanoe, Professor of Practice, University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law
- David Kauila Kopper, Director of Litigation, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation
Makalika Naholowa'a, Chief of Staff to the General Counsel, Microsoft (Kanaka Maoli/Native Hawaiian)
Joint Sponsors: ABA Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice
Co-Sponsors: ABA Center for Human Rights, ABA Center for Public Interest Law, ABA Commission on Disability Rights, ABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights & Responsibilities, ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty, ABA Commission on Immigration, ABA Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Profession, ABA Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, ABA Commission on Women in the Profession, ABA Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipeline, ABA Criminal Justice Section, ABA Diversity and Inclusion Center, ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division, ABA International Law Section, ABA Law Student Division, ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources, ABA Section of State and Local Government Law, ABA Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress, ABA Standing Committee on Public Education, ABA Young Lawyers Division
Transcript: Native Hawaiian Identity, Rights and Policy Issues
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