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Ensuring Social Justice and Community Resources: Support Education for System Impacted Youth

Participants will gain insight into the global issue of providing appropriate educational support for youth impacted by court intervention and supervision. This includes youth in the Dependency and Juvenile Justice systems as well as Truancy Courts. The panel also shares information on effective programming across the nation which is community-based, impactful, and measurable.

Panelists also share their knowledge on solutions to close the educational gap and improve education outcomes for this youthful population.

Welcome and Introduction

  •  Hon. Marguerite D. Downing, Judge, Superior Court of Los Angeles County; Co-Chair, Education Committee, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice
  • Janel A. George, Senior Policy Advisor, Learning Policy Institute; Co-Chair, Education Committee, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice


  • Dr. Akin Abioye, Founder/Director, Altura Collaborative
  • Lydia Cincore-Templeton, Executive Director, Children Youth and Family Collaborative; Vice Chair, Education Committee, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice
  • Stephanie D. Nellons-Paige, Member, Board of Regents, Texas Southern University; Interim Executive Director, Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity



Transcript: Ensuring Social Justice and Community Resources Support: Education for System Impacted Youth

Presentation: Lydia Cincore-Templeton

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