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April 07, 2020 COVID-19 WEBINAR SERIES

Issues Affecting Native American Communities During the COVID-19 Crisis

The COVID-19 crisis is affecting Native American tribes and urban communities in ways that are unique to this population in terms of health challenges, economic impact and legal issues.  This webinar discusses how Native Americans are being impacted through this crisis both from a health perspective and an economic perspective.  This webinar was segmented into three parts: (1) First, there was discussion of the provisions in the stimulus packages that are directed to Native communities; (2) Second, the panelists discussed the unique health and operational challenges in both rural and urban Native communities; and (3) Finally, this webinar addressed the economic and legal impact both in the short-term and long-term in tribal communities.  

With heightened concerns nationwide about data confidentiality and diminished trust in the federal government, lawyers in all practice areas may find themselves being asked about the Census 2020, which begins nationwide in March, by their clients.
With heightened concerns nationwide about data confidentiality and diminished trust in the federal government, lawyers in all practice areas may find themselves being asked about the Census 2020, which begins nationwide in March, by their clients.

Welcome and Introduction

  • Judy Perry Martinez, President, American Bar Association; Of Counsel, Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn


  • Kevin Allis, Chief Executive Officer, National Congress of American Indians
  • Stacy Bohlen, Executive Director, National Indian Health Board
  • Elizabeth Coronado, Staff Attorney, Health and Human Services, Lummi Indian Business Council
  • Dr. Charles W. Grim, Secretary of Health, Chickasaw Nation Department of Health
  • Virginia Hedrick, Executive Director, California Consortium for Urban Indian Health
  • Jerilyn LeBeau Church, Chief Executive Officer, Great Plains Tribal Chairmen's Health Board (GPTCHB)
  • Doreen N. McPaul, Attorney General, Navajo Nation Department of Justice
  • Naomi Miguel, Professional Staff, House Committee on Natural Resources — Subcommittee for Indigenous Peoples of the United States
  • Bryan T. Newland, President, Bay Mills Indian Community of Michigan


  • Mary L. Smith, Secretary of the American Bar Association; Past President, National Native American Bar Association Confirmed

Co-sponsors: ABA Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice, ABA Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence, ABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights & Responsibilities, ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty, ABA Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the ProfessionABA Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, ABA Criminal Justice Section, ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division, ABA Section of LitigationABA Section of State and Local Government Law, ABA Senior Lawyers DivisionABA Tribal Courts Council


Presentations: Dr. Charles Grim, Kevin Allis, Doreen McPaul, Elizabeth Coronado, Naomi Miguel

Indian Country COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources

Natural Resources Committee Coronavirus Resource Center

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