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April 09, 2020 COVID-19 WEBINAR SERIES

Coronavirus: Homeless Community Adverse Impact from Eviction & Lack of Safe Housing

The cycle of eviction for vulnerable renters and owners can be doubly cruel due to the economic and health dangers during the Coronavirus Pandemic, let alone the danger for those currently on the streets. Homeless youth, young adults and young families also face additional challenges and barriers due to their high mobility and increased exposure to abuse, neglect and predation. Certain state and local jurisdictions are stepping up to provide temporary stays of evictions, and some are stopping sweeps of encampments and providing housing to people experiencing homelessness, or sanitation for encampments, as public health measures. These are important in the short term, but what will be the long-term effects of temporarily halting evictions without considering future protections? How can legal advocates adequately address needs during a time when the health dangers to people experiencing homelessness have never been higher?

With heightened concerns nationwide about data confidentiality and diminished trust in the federal government, lawyers in all practice areas may find themselves being asked about the Census 2020, which begins nationwide in March, by their clients.
With heightened concerns nationwide about data confidentiality and diminished trust in the federal government, lawyers in all practice areas may find themselves being asked about the Census 2020, which begins nationwide in March, by their clients.

Welcome and Introduction

  • James J. Sandman, Chair, ABA Task Force on Legal Needs Arising Out of the 2020 Pandemic; Former President, Legal Services Corporation; Former Managing Partner, Arnold & Porter LLP


  • James Heaton, Supervising Attorney, Mission United Veterans Pro Bono Project, Supportive Services for Veterans Families
  • Kelly Miller, USHRN Advocate / U.S. Delegate to United Nations Summit in Geneva 2020
  • Jo Ann Paanio, Director of Policy and Advocacy, National Network for Youth
  • Rob Robinson, Staff Volunteer, Partners for Dignity and Rights (formerly NESRI, National Economic & Social Rights Initiative, a human rights organization based in New York City)
  • Eric Tars, Legal Director, National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty


  • Craig H. Baab, Chair, ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty

Joint Sponsor: ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty

Co-Sponsors: ABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights & Responsibilities, ABA Commission on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the ProfessionABA Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender IdentityABA Criminal Justice Section, ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers DivisionABA Section of LitigationABA Section of State and Local Government Law, ABA Senior Lawyers Division


Presentations: Kelly Miller, Eric Tars, Jo Ann Paanio, Rob Robinson

COVID-19 Guidance Note - Protecting Residents of Informal Settlements

Interim COVID-19 Guidance for Homeless Shelters

Official Moratorium from NYS Chief Judge

The ABA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Task Force Website

Login to view the webinar recording. Not a member of the Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice? Join the Section today!

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