How well did our national election process perform during the 2020 Election and how could it be perfected? This webinar builds upon ABA programs held before the election to address topics including pre-election day voting methods, election administration, current litigation of election procedures and the pertinence of past election controversies. Commentators returning to this panel had warned about the “fog of elections” and whether under-represented voters had adequate access to voting during the pandemic.
The day after the 2021 Presidential Inauguration, this panel picks-up on these themes, predictions and concerns with the goal of formulating improvements to the ABA’s Election Administration Guidelines and Commentary, last updated in August 2020 by the Standing Committee on Election Law, Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, Commission on Disability Rights, Senior Lawyers Division and Section of State and Local Government Law. The ABA recommends that “all election officials ensure the integrity of the election process through the adoption, use and enforcement of these Guidelines.”