CRSJ Leadership Positions
About the Process
We are excited to announce the launch of the Civil Rights and Social Justice (CRSJ) Appointments and Nominations process for the 2025-26 ABA Bar year. o join the leadership of the Section – the only ABA membership entity exclusively dedicated to the advancement of human rights, civil liberties, and social justice – by submitting and application for one of our leadership positions. Applications are due no later than March 7, 2025. Please feel free to reach out to Section Director Paula Shapiro with any questions, or Chair-Elect Mario A Sullivan with questions related to appointments. *If you need an accommodation when filling out these forms, please contact Alli Kielsgard.
What are the leadership positions that I can apply for?
There are two ways to get involved in the leadership of CRSJ. First, you can nominate yourself or be nominated by someone else to serve as the Secretary of the Section, the Section Delegate, or any open seats on the Section Leadership Council. Position descriptions for each of these may be found in the Section bylaws. There is a Nominating Committee (Hon. Jason Sengheiser, Chair; Aracely Muñoz, Michelle Philo, Wilson A. Schooley, Paul M. Smith; and Lacy L. Durham and Mario A. Sullivan ex officio) appointed by the Chair of the Section who reviews these applications and decides who will fill these positions for the 2025-26 Bar year and announces them at the CRSJ Section’s Spring Council Meeting in April 2025.
Second, you can be appointed by the Chair-Elect Mario A. Sullivan, to serve as leaders of the CRSJ Section's 19 Committees (Chair, Vice-Chair, or Special Advisor), to be liaisons from the CRSJ Section to other ABA Entities, or to be Special Counsel and oversee 3-5 Committees. We also have several specialty committees that you may self-nominate for; those are listed at the bottom of the page. You can view the Section’s Committees and Leadership on our website.
Should You Apply?
Yes! You can make an impact on critical issues facing our country and communities today by becoming a leader in our Section. We need your voice and expertise at the table in these critical times. Joining the Section leadership also allows you to develop and strengthen meaningful relationships with leaders in the profession from across the nation.
Some things to note if you are interested in self-nominating:
- Section Membership Required. All leaders must be Section members. Officers and Councilmembers must be Section members at least one year prior to their election at the ABA Annual Meeting.
- Open to All. We consider all self-nominations.
- Section Leadership Must Reflect Diversity. The Section supports the ABA’s Goal III to eliminate bias and enhance diversity and seeks to create a welcoming and inclusive environment within the Section. Women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, persons with disabilities, and individuals from additional diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
- Attendance. All Officers and Council members are expected to attend (remotely or in person) the Council’s four meetings throughout the year. Committee leaders and Liaisons are encouraged to attend.
- Responsibilities. Committee leaders and Liaisons are expected to provide written quarterly reports to the Council at each of its four meetings.
- Accessibility. Every effort will be made to accommodate advance requests; reasonable accommodations will be provided during meeting sessions. Please contact Section Associate Director Alli Kielsgard for more assistance.
Officer and Council Elections
This year, the positions of Secretary and a Section Delegate are open. There also are four elected Council vacancies (three three-year terms and one one-year term) open, although two of the four open positions are currently held by a Council member eligible for and seeking re-nomination. Elections will take place during the weeks prior to the 2025 ABA Annual Meeting via an online form. Officer and Council positions will begin immediately following the Annual Meeting.
If you would like to be considered by the Section's Nominating Committee for the Secretary, Delegate, or a Council position, please complete the nomination form by Friday, March 7, 2025. You may contact Nominating Committee Chair Hon. Jason Sengheiser or Section Director Paula Shapiro with questions.
2024-25 CRSJ Committee Leader, Liaison, and Special Counsel Appointments
Committee leaders (and our membership) are the backbone of the Section – our Section work would not happen without them. In March, Chair-Elect Mario A. Sullivan will begin appointing Section members interested in leading the Section’s 19 substantive committees or becoming Section liaisons to other ABA entities.
He also will appoint, for one-year terms, three (3) to five (5) Special Counsel to oversee the Chairs and Vice Chairs of the Section’s 19 substantive committees. Special Counsel are non-voting members of the Section's Council, appointed with approval by the Council, and are required to attend the Section’s quarterly meetings. The appointment term will begin after the Annual Meeting.
Finally, there are several specialty committees that need leaders to join, including: a planning committee for our rapid response project, How Things Work: Legal Edition; a planning committee for our Civil Rights Boot Camp; a leadership committee for our Perfecting Democracy Initiative; and our Section’s amicus committee.
Please note: Current Committee Leaders, Special Counsel, and Liaisons must fill out this very short, easy form for reappointment by Friday, March 7, 2025, to indicate your interest in serving in the same Section leadership position for the 2025-26 bar year. You also may suggest other candidates for election or appointment.
If you would like to be considered by the Chair-Elect for a new appointed position, please complete the appointments form by Friday, March 7, 2025. Please contact Mario A. Sullivan or Paula Shapiro with questions.