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Virginia Assessment Team on the Death Penalty

The assessment is conducted by a state-based team responsible for collecting and analyzing various laws, rules, procedures, standards, and guidelines relating to the administration of capital punishment in Virginia. It is the Virginia Assessment Team’s responsibility to determine whether the state is in compliance with the ABA Protocols and make any other additional recommendations it feels are needed to improve the fairness and accuracy of Virginia’s death penalty system. The Virginia Assessment Team is comprised of the following individuals (full biographies):

  • John Douglass, Chair
    Dean Emeritus, University of Richmond School of Law
    Richmond, VA
  • Hon. Leslie M. Alden
    Falls Church, VA
  • Craig Cooley 
    Richmond, VA
  • Mark Earley
    The Earley Legal Group
    Leesburg, VA
  • Senator John Edwards
    Roanoke, VA
  • Joseph Flood
    Connell, Sheldon & Flood, PLC
    Fairfax, VA
  • Michael N. Herring
    Richmond Commonwealth's Attorney
    Richmond, VA
  • Gail Marshall
    Rapidan, VA