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The Legal and/or Moral Obligations to Alert Authorities 

National Security and Civil Liberties Committee Co-Chair Caroline DeCell answers these questions from Nick, a high school student from California, "If I know someone who is a) doing illegal drugs, b) planning to cause harm to others, c) planning to cause harm to themselves, Is it my legal obligation to alert authorities? Or is it my moral obligation? If I don't do I face serious consequences?"

American Rights Abroad

Q: Do I have access to an American attorney if I get arrested in another country? Lilly from California

A: In many countries, there is not a constitutional right to counsel, and Americans arrested abroad will not be provided with an attorney or public defender to represent them. The U.S. Department of State may be able to provide a list of American attorneys licensed to practice in that country, but the person arrested will have to hire and pay the attorney for their representation. The person can contact or view the website of the U.S. embassy or consulate located in the foreign country for the list of any U.S. attorneys that are licensed to practice in the foreign country. The list also includes any local attorneys that are willing to work with U.S. citizens. For additional information, the U.S. Department of State has a number of great resources that can be found at their website.