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Task Force to Combat Antisemitism

The Task Force works on implementing the policies adopted as Resolution No. 514 at the 2023 ABA Midyear Meeting.

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International Holocaust Remembrance Day

A reflection on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, highlighting the importance of preserving Holocaust memory, combating misinformation, and ensuring the truth is upheld against denial and distortion.

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The Bar’s Role in the US Strategy and Global Guidelines To Combat Antisemitism

The ABA Presidential Task Force To Combat Antisemitism is hard at work to mobilize America’s 1.3 million lawyers in the fight against antisemitism, as the scourge of hatred against Jews grows. We are not alone doing so.

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How to be an Anti-Antisemite: Responding to the Growth of Antisemitism in 21st Century America

This panel discusses how we have reached this point as a nation, how to recognize antisemitism when we see it, and how to combat it.

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21-Day Practice on Combating Antisemitism

The ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice held its 21-Day Practice on Combating Antisemitism earlier this year. The current movement for equality in America provides an opportunity for us to consider how we — as individuals, as lawyers, and as a Section — are meeting this moment.

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Task Force Members
Task Force to Combat Antisemitism

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