We are devoted to developing and implementing innovative projects that seek to galvanize the legal profession to protect and advance human rights, civil liberties, and social justice. Our initiatives include Civil Rights Bootcamp, Perfecting Democracy, 21-Day Practices, and many more. We encourage you to reach out and get involved!
Civil Rights and Social Justice Section Initiatives
Explore our collective efforts to educate leaders, protect fair elections, promote education, and more.
A.I. & Economic Justice Project
An initiative to survey the legal community about the impact of A.I. and automated systems, particularly on low-income and other marginalized groups.
Bullyproof: An Anti-Bullying Initiative
A collaborative and comprehensive public service project dedicated to ending bullying in this country through education and empowerment in our schools, profession, and legislature.
Civil Rights Civics Institute
Short, educational videos and written responses that promote civil rights literacy and answer questions from students nationwide on various civics topics.
CRSJ Chair Chat
A platform that brings together legal scholars, advocates, thought leaders, and activists committed to tackling the civil rights issues facing our country.
HIV/AIDS Impact Project
This Project identified and addressed HIV/AIDS-related legal and policy issues to ensure rights are respected and protected.
Perfecting Democracy
An initiative to recruit lawyers and law students to volunteer and assist organizations engaged in nonpartisan efforts to protect fair elections. Join our national call to action.
Policy Implementation Initiative
A collective effort in support of the adoption of civil rights and social justice policy and legislation at the federal, tribal, territorial, state, and local levels.
Death Penalty Due Process Review Project
The Project educates and convenes the public and decision-makers on the operation of capital jurisdictions’ death penalty laws and processes in order to promote fairness and accuracy in death penalty systems, including promotion of the ABA’s 1997 supporting a suspension of executions.
How Things Work: The Legal Edition
CRSJ, in collaboration with the DEI Center and its entities, the Center for Public Interest Law and its entities, the Young Lawyers Division, and other Section Divisions and Forums, is launching a new rapid-response project that will provide information breaking down key legal developments by explaining specific actions the government is taking, the legality of these actions, its impact on civil rights and daily life, and steps attorneys and advocates can take to protect our communities.
Presidential Task Force to Combat Islamophobia
Created by Resolution 524, this Task Force ensures the ABA takes a leadership role in combatting Islamophobia.
Presidential Task Force to Combat Antisemitism
Created by Resolution 514, this Task Force mobilizes America's 1.3 million lawyers in the fight against antisemitism, and ensures the ABA takes a leadership role in combatting antisemitism.
ABA Presidential Speaker Series
Exclusive conversations with world leaders, thought leaders, businesspeople, philanthropists, entertainers, and others encapsulating the theme “Lifting Our Voices, Charting the Future.”
Environmental Justice Task Force
Section leaders and staff support the EJTF, which has jurisdiction over matters affecting how the ABA and its member lawyers address issues related to environmental justice in their practices.
Support the ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice
CRSJ provides free webinars and resources for legal professionals and advocates nationwide and relies on generous donor support and volunteer service. Your charitable gift ensures that we continue to address the deepening crises in our collective pursuit of advancing law and justice. Thank you!
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