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2025 Thurgood Marshall Award Nominations Closed

The American Bar Association Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice invites nominations for its annual Thurgood Marshall Award, established to honor and give public recognition to an individual or organization who has made an exceptional contribution to the advancement of human rights in the United States. The 2025 Thurgood Marshall Award recipient will be honored on August 9 during the 2024 ABA Annual Meeting in Toronto, ON.

American Bar Association members, leaders, and entities, as well as other bar associations, are invited to submit nominations for the award. Nominations are also welcome from other groups or individuals that are involved in civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights issues. Re-nominations of individuals nominated in past years are encouraged; nomination packages should be updated as necessary and re-submitted electronically.

About the Award

Established by the American Bar Association and the Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice (formerly the Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities) in 1992, the Thurgood Marshall Award honors U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, who epitomized individual commitment, in word and action, to the cause of civil rights in this country. The award recognizes similar long-term contributions by other members of the legal profession to the advancement of civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights in the United States.

American Bar Association members, leaders, and entities, as well as all other bar associations, are invited to submit nominations for the award. Nominations also are welcome from other groups or individuals that are involved in civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights issues. Re-nominations of individuals nominated in past years are encouraged; nomination packages should be updated as necessary and re-submitted electronically.

Nominees for the award must have made substantial and long-term contributions to the furtherance of civil rights, civil liberties, or human rights in this country. A "substantial" contribution shall be considered to be one evincing a level of dedication or achievement beyond that required or expected in the normal course of an individual's work. "Long-term" generally shall be considered to be at least 10 years. Nominees should be judges or duly licensed members of the bar in good standing. However, a non-lawyer who otherwise qualifies for the award may be considered for the award in exceptional circumstances. (Nominations of individuals posthumously cannot be considered.)

Award Criteria

Nominees for the award must have made substantial and long-term contributions to the furtherance of civil rights, civil liberties, or human rights in this country. A "substantial" contribution shall be considered to be one evincing a level of dedication or achievement beyond that required or expected in the normal course of an individual's work. "Long-term" generally shall be considered to be at least 10 years. Nominees should be judges or duly licensed members of the bar in good standing. However, a non-lawyer who otherwise qualifies for the award may be considered for the award in exceptional circumstances. (Nominations of individuals posthumously cannot be considered.)

Nomination Package

Nomination form: The nomination form is a survey, which must be completed and submitted with the additional materials described below. Please Note: the letters of support and any additional materials must be compiled into one document for upload or submitted via email to Alli Kielsgard.

  1. Photo: Please submit a current photo of the nominee;
  2. Resume: The nomination package must include a resume or curriculum vitae, which describes the following
    1. The nominee’s professional background;
    2. The nominee’s educational background;
    3. The nominee’s principal areas of practice, including the number of years of practice; and
    4. The nominee’s professional achievements.
  3. Biography: The nomination package must include a narrative biography describing the nominee’s substantial and long-term contributions to the advancement of civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights in the United States and why this particular nominee embodies the ideals of Justice Thurgood Marshall; and
  4. Letters of Support: You may submit no more than five letters of support from individuals or organizations that speak to the following:
    1. Describe how the nominee has achieved professional excellence in their field;
    2. Describe how the nominee has distinguished themselves in the fields of civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights in the United States;
    3. Describe the nominee’s public service, civic activities, and bar association activities; and
    4. Describe how the nominee has inspired, encouraged, or mentored others in pursuing legal careers in civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights.

Questions on the application process can be directed to: [email protected].