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Civil Rights and Social Justice Section Awards

The Section recognizes the achievements of members of the Association and the legal community as a whole through our three annual awards.

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Thurgood Marshall Award

Established by the American Bar Association and the Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice in 1992, the Thurgood Marshall Award honors U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, who epitomized individual commitment, in word and action, to the cause of civil rights in this country. The award recognizes similar long-term contributions by other members of the legal profession to the advancement of civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights in the United States.

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Father Robert F. Drinan Award

The Robert F. Drinan Award for Distinguished Service recognizes individuals whose sustained commitment to the Section has advanced its mission of providing leadership to the legal profession in protecting and advancing human rights, civil liberties, and social justice.

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Sheila Y. Thomas Committee Excellence Award

Each year, the Section recognizes one of its Committees for contributing vitally to the American Bar Association’s policies, and furthering the Section’s mission of providing leadership to the legal profession in protecting and advancing human rights, civil liberties, and social justice. The award is traditionally given at the Annual Meeting and is accompanied by a luncheon, recognizing the work of the Committee.

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Your giving ensures that protection of civil rights remains a focus of legal and policy decisions and advances educational programming and resources for legal professionals and advocates nationwide.

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