Starting your career isn't always easy. We're here to help. We've curated these materials to give you a head start with the fundamental tools you'll need.
Resources for New Criminal Justice Lawyers
Get the resources and CLE new lawyers need to kickstart their career in criminal justice law by joining the ABA and the Criminal Justice Section
Prosecutorial Independence and the Rule of Law
In this panel, former Department of Justice leaders and veteran prosecutors will explore recent challenges to prosecutorial independence and the rule of law at the federal level.
Federal Sentencing Guidelines 101
What are the roles of the probation officer, prosecution, defense counsel, and the judge in determining punishment? This program is designed to give the new practitioner the tools needed to navigate the federal sentencing process.
Lawyers in the Cross-Hairs: Essential Anti-Money Laundering Considerations for the Legal Profession
Join us for a discussion on the increasing enforcement focus on lawyers as gatekeepers in the anti-money laundering compliance infrastructure, including proposed new legislation and ethics rules.
Understanding Joint Defense Agreements: The Implications for White Collar Clients
Examine the nuts and bolts of the joint-defense agreement in the criminal context. The panel will discuss the tactical benefits of joint-defense agreements, as well as their potential pitfalls, and offer best practices for navigating the very real complexities associated with joint-defense-agreements.
Debunking Five Myths About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The legal community can debunk five persistent DEI myths, including meritocracy and colorblindness, while addressing pervasive bias. Practical solutions to foster more inclusive legal environments and tackle inequities in the justice system are offer.
Cert Alert: Supreme Court Cases of Interest
This column analyzes criminal cases on the Supreme Court’s merits docket. It identifies recent grants of certiorari, discusses oral arguments and decisions, and highlights emerging trends.
Criminal Justice Matters: Understanding the Alford Plea
A defense attorney needs a strategy to negotiate for an Alford plea with the prosecutor, who in most jurisdictions may veto it, whether sought in negotiations or as an open plea.
Trial Tactics: Similar Motive and Former Testimony
The key to admitting former testimony under Rule 804(b)(1) is to demonstrate a motive for a party to examine a declarant in a prior proceeding similar to the motive that the party would have at trial. The question is how to assess similarity.
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