This article addresses the rapid development and evolution of artificial intelligence and pricing algorithms in the U.S. economy, and reviews the criminal risks of algorithmic collusion and antitrust…
Facial recognition technology, a form of artificial intelligence, has evolved significantly, leading to increased adoption by law enforcement agencies. Recent cases of misuse and over-reliance on FRT…
The practice of term limits of elected and appointed positions is an ongoing debate recently thrust to the foreground of national attention after the Biden Administration proposed bold reforms to con…
The legal community can debunk five persistent DEI myths, including meritocracy and colorblindness, while addressing pervasive bias. Practical solutions to foster more inclusive legal environments an…
The more aggressive use recently of judicial recusal arguments in high profile cases creates a meta-legitimacy problem within recusal law that requires judges, legislators, and litigants to take the…
A defense attorney needs a strategy to negotiate for an Alford plea with the prosecutor, who in most jurisdictions may veto it, whether sought in negotiations or as an open plea.
AI is necessitating innovative theories of criminal liability pursued by the DOJ. One such innovation will likely relate to the RCOD. Corporate executives should understand the risks associated with…
Criminal practitioners are aware that forensic mental health experts are not ethically bound by any particular method of non-contingent fee payment, but optics are important and attention to detail i…
An expert explains how cognitive biasing works in nonblind verification and identifies another problem with verification testimony: It is inadmissible “testimonial” hearsay and thus a violation of a…
The key to admitting former testimony under Rule 804(b)(1) is to demonstrate a motive for a party to examine a declarant in a prior proceeding similar to the motive that the party would have at trial…