Publications on Criminal Justice
How can I find ABA publications related to criminal justice?
You can see ABA books on the field of criminal justice.
Where can I find the Criminal Justice Standards series?
Standards can be found here.
Is there annual review of developments in various fields of criminal justice?
Yes, The State of Criminal Justice provides yearly update on major developments and trends in specific fields of criminal justice.
Do Section Committees publish?
Yes, Committees, Task Forces, Special Projects publish Newsletters and Reports. Other related resources can be found here.
Are there member discounts on books?
Yes, there are discounts for ABA members, CJS members, law students. Refer to individual product order page.
Do you offer group or bulk-order discounts?
Yes, you can save up to 40% for group/bulk order. Refer to individual product order page.
Book Formats
Do you publish E-Books?
Copyright & Reprint Requests
How do I request reprint of materials published by the ABA?
Plese visit reprint info page.
I am an author of ABA-published material, how do I reprint it elsewhere?
You do not need permission to reprint your article, as long as you attribute the ABA as the first publication source.
Editorial Policy
Do you have an Editorial Policy?
Yes, here is our Editorial Policy.
Submissions Guidelines
What periodicals accept submission of articles?
Criminal Justice, a quarterly magazine
Criminal Justice Section Newsletter, published three times a year
What are the deadlines for submissions?
Criminal Justice Magazine: June 1 (fall issue), Sept. 1 (winter), Dec. 1 (spring), March 1 (summer)
CJS Newsletter: Aug. 15 (fall), Dec. 15 (winter), April 15 (spring)
For more information concerning the Criminal Justice publications, please send email to Kyo Suh, Technology/Publications Manager.