The Forum will start the 2022-2023 ABA Bar year in Memphis – Home of the Blues and Birthplace of Rock ‘n’ Roll. There, the topic will be Building the Next Generation – Learning from the Past. Memphis has so much to offer – the Mississippi River, museums, Beale Street and, of course, Graceland. The meeting will be held on September 28-30 at the historic Peabody Hotel – ducks and all!
The topic of the Regional Meetings this year will be Construction Contracts – a must know for every construction lawyer. The meetings will be held on December 2nd in four locations - D.C., Dallas, Indianapolis and San Francisco. As always, the faculty will be top notch!
The first week of February 2023 will find us in the warm weather of Puerto Rico at the MidWinter meeting. There, the program Old World Meets New World: New Solutions to Timeless Problems, will examine “Old World” problems and consider how “New World” solutions and innovations can help the modern construction lawyer deliver efficient and impactful results for their clients.
The ever popular Trial Academy will be back next spring in either D.C. or Dallas. There, the attendees will have a 3-day intensive course in trial practice, led by some of the leading construction lawyers and industry experts in the nation. Keep a look out for the brochure as there is limited seating, and it always sells out fast!
We will end the in-person national meetings with the Annual Meeting in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia on April 12-15, 2023, learning about The Future of Construction Law. We will learn about the “transformational events” in the history of the construction industry and construction law; emerging trends in ADR; the implications of big data on construction claims; the intersection of blockchain and construction, and much more.
In between the in-person meetings there will be many distance learning opportunities from the SPEC Committee.
As you can see, much is planned for the 2022-2023 ABA Bar year. I want to thank all those who are contributing their valuable time to make these programs happen, and encourage those who want to get involved to please do so.
The Forum needs and welcomes you!