Construction Anatomy of a Standard Form Construction Contract Luke J. Farley Standard form agreements are the industry leader for construction contracts. This quick guide will fill you in on the all basics of AIA, EJCDC, and ConcensusDocs contracts forms.
Construction What is the “Last” “Work,” “Labor,” and “Materials” that Triggers Bond and Lien Filing Deadlines? Samuel D. Gregory What constitutes "labor" or "work" under state and federal bond and lien statutes.
Construction Indemnity vs. Duty to Defend: Know the Differences and Potential Critical Variations in State Law Sean McChristian The duty to defend in a construction contract can be just as important and impactful as the duty to indemnify, so practitioners must be aware of the differences between the two duties and the need to go beyond general principles and to consider the governing law for the contract when evaluating whether the duty to defend has been triggered.
Construction Civility, Diversity and the Future of the Legal Profession Patrick McKnight If the legal community seeks a more civil, respectful and inclusive conversation about the future of our society, let’s lead by example.
Construction Returning to the Can: A Bathroom Reading Companion to “Gender Identity and Public Restrooms: The Burgeoning Battle over Bathroom Building” Edward B. Gentilcore This article explores the depths of the plumbing regarding certain challenges facing bathroom design and construction amidst the current and broader societal conversations on gender identity.
Construction Non-Disclosure Agreements in Review Catherine Bragg The typical Non-Disclosure Agreement is anything but typical these days as treatment of confidential information becomes more challenging and non-compete language threatens to infiltrate what is amongst the most common documents coming across an in-house attorney’s desk.
Construction Pitfalls of OSHA Workplace Safety Classifications Gavin D. O’Hare Workplace safety roles often overlap at a high traffic, multi-story, multi-complex work site occupied by numerous contractors and subcontractors.
Construction The ICEman Cometh Paul Allen Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids are ramping up and construction sites are prime targets. Understanding the compliance issues that may trigger ICE action and how to respond to raids is critical to providing effective advice to clients.
Construction Welcoming a New Decade Kristine A. Kubes As we prepare to greet the year 2020, I am pleased to report that we have five teams of extraordinary Forum leaders working with me to plan five programs for the benefit of our members and all construction lawyers. Here is a preview. I sincerely invite you to participate!
Construction Three Steps To Be Published In Under Construction Tom Dunn If you want to be published in Under Construction, but don’t know how to do it – follow these easy 3 steps!
Construction Cyberattacks Have Become Commonplace – Know the Ethics of Prevention and Response Conor M. Shankman Regardless of size, law firms and construction companies are often targets for hackers. This article looks at what you need to know to make sure your firm is prepared with particular attention to the ABA Formal Opinion and a recently issued Maine Ethics Opinion.
Construction Trying A Construction Delay And Disruption Claim to a Jury Michael A. Hornreich Faced with a jury trial for a construction case? Key pointers to keep in mind.
Construction Jury Consultants in Construction Cases: From Early Case Development through Trial Christopher D. Cazenave and Richard J. Tyler Your complex construction case has just been set for a jury trial. From early case assessment through trial, a jury consultant can provide unique services to help manage litigation risks from the outset and inform stakeholders’ decisions of when to try or settle a construction case.
Construction Compliance Risks for A/E firms in the Municipal Advisory Business Joseph Dennis and Helene Altman Professional services firms seeking to expand their services offerings to public entity clients need to consider the costs associated specifically with providing financial advisory services to municipalities as these services are subject to registration with the financial regulators, as well as professional testing and regulatory reporting requirements.