Construction A View from the Middle of the Table – A Mediator’s Practical Observations and Recommendations John E. Bulman This article provides practical recommendations to advocates and clients in their mediation and preparation and conduct.
Construction Using Construction Contracts to Limit Time-Consuming Discovery In Arbitration Emily D. Anderson By comparing various arbitral tribunals’ approaches to discovery and highlighting decisions regarding discovery that can potentially result in expensive and time-consuming motion practice, this article provides guidelines for conscientious contract drafting when parties to a construction contract wish to select arbitration as the means for dispute resolution.
Construction Third Party Scheduling Consultants: Pay Now or Pay Later Randall Collette, Esq. and William Perry Third party schedulers are often viewed by contractors as unnecessary and too costly. But what is the cost of not having a third party scheduler?
Construction Owner’s Representatives—Emerging Roles, Responsibilities, and Legal Issues Anatoly M. Darov The role of the owner’s representative has grown in prominence and has become central to the success of modern construction projects. This article looks at the role of these advisors, the scope of their responsibilities, and provides some guidance on selection and procurement of owner’s representative services.
Construction Retroactive Labor Productivity Evaluations Gray Slocum Lost labor productivity: Measured Mile v. MCAA – which is more appropriate for your project?
Construction One Door Closes While Another Door Opens Despite FERC’s Termination of Energy Secretary’s Proposed Rule Rodney W. Stieger, Esq. Summary of FERC’s recent termination of a proposed rule that was considered to be beneficial for the coal and nuclear industries. Discussion of road forward as it impacts energy infrastructure.
Construction A Trap for the Unwary Contractor: The New AIA Insurance Exhibit and Its Most Confounding Requirements David E. Suchar and Jevon C. Bindman Article highlights five of the most problematic requirements for contractors contained in the new 2017 AIA Insurance Exhibit and suggests proposed modifications to the Exhibit as a result.
Construction An In-House Counsel’s Guide to Preparing an Engineering Firm for a Successful Foreign Project Beverly Tompkins In-house counsel for U.S. based engineering firms can find it challenging to keep up with their firms’ expansion of services into foreign countries. This is a practical guide to some of the key issues counsel should consider and try to address when their engineering clients do international work.
Construction Message from the Chair-Elect: The ABA’s Problems Are Our Problems Thomas L. Rosenberg Message from the Chair-Elect for the ABA Forum on Construction Law