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Under Construction - Winter 2017

Vol. 18 No. 2   January 2017

Featured Articles

Additional Articles


Local Hiring Programs – Recent Updates and Legislation

Public contractors, owners receiving public funds, and local governments should be aware of the ever-changing landscape of local hiring laws, particularly the recent developments in Louisiana, Tennessee and Ohio. Careful attention should be paid to these requirements before, during and after the bidding process, to ensure compliance is maintained and negative consequences are avoided. The authors provide a survey of a number of local hiring ordinances throughout the country.


The Division 1 and YLD Advocacy Practicum Series

The Forum’s practicum series is designed to provide practical, interactive experience for Forum attendees on substantive topics of interest such as advocacy in mediation, writing, depositions, and arbitration. This practicum is one example of how ideas come from the active members of the Forum’s 14 Divisions. Learn about how Division 1 (Litigation & Dispute Resolution), the Young Lawyers Division, and the Forum’s Leadership Circle developed the Forum’s Construction Practicum Series.



Message from the Chair Elect: What Can We as a Forum Do to Encourage and Groom the Next Generation of Construction Lawyers?

Face it, our demographics do not lie. We are an aging group of lawyers, with not enough “bench” behind us to take our place in the practice of construction law. It is not dissimilar to the quandary that many of our construction clients face when looking at the contracting construction labor pool. How do we replenish ourselves with people that are knowledgeable and capable?