The Forum on Construction Law is the largest organization of Construction lawyers in the United States, and indeed in the world. The Forum’s roughly 6,000 Members and Associates are drawn from all types of Construction practice – law firms large and small, solo practitioners, in-house and government counsel, as well as construction professionals and the public sector. Forum members represent all segments of the Construction industry: owners, developers, design professionals, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, construction managers, lenders, insurers and sureties.
Consistent with the ABA’s original concept of an industry-focused forum, the Forum is a place where all viewpoints on the concerns of the Construction industry are welcomed, regularly aired, and considered. Much of the Forum’s work is accomplished through its fourteen Divisions, each focused on a different aspect or element of Construction practice. The leadership and administration of the Forum’s activities vest in the Forum’s Governing Committee, comprised of twelve Forum members, each serving a three-year term, and three Officers: the Chair-Elect, Chair, and Immediate Past Chair. Four new Governing Committee members and the Chair-Elect are elected at the Forum’s Annual Meeting each year, in accordance with the Forum’s Bylaws.
As the Forum’s activities have expanded, the Governing Committee works increasingly through a number of standing committees, appointed by the Forum Chair and comprised of a mix of Governing Committee members, at-large Forum members, and (in several cases) liaisons from each of the Divisions and the Young Lawyers Division. The current standing committees include Diversity, Division Chairs, Division Selection, Finance, Marketing, Membership, Nominating, Publications, Special Programs and Education (SPEC), and Technology.
After an informal group took the initiative to organize a series of popular young lawyer events at Forum programs, the Governing Committee in 2009 authorized creation of the Young Lawyers Division (YLD) to address the particular needs and interests of younger Construction lawyers and provide enhanced professional development and networking opportunities.