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Standing Committee on Publishing Oversight (SCOPO)

SCOPO and ABA Publishing, closely partnering with ABA publishing entities, and with ABA Membership and Marketing, continue to pursue six key strategic objectives in support of the ABA’s publishing vision. 

About Us

The Standing Committee on Publishing Oversight (SCOPO) consists of 12 members, eight recommended from the Section Officers Conference from Sections, Divisions and Forums with existing publishing programs, and four at-large members.

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Committee Goals

(1) Study and recommend publishing policies and strategies to the Board of Governors and House of Delegates; (2) provide policy oversight, supervision and direction to ABA publishing, exclusive of the ABA Journal; and (3) work closely with the Director of ABA Publishing, who will be responsible for implementing the Association's publication policies and developing publishing and marketing initiatives designed to meet changing needs of members, produce new/increased revenues, or support other Association goals.

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SCOPO FY24 Annual Meeting Agenda

The SCOPO FY24 Annual Meeting agenda is now available

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FY24 SCOPO Roster

Committee Functions consists of 12 members, eight from recommendations from the Section Officers Conference from Sections, Divisions and Forum Committees with existing publishing programs, and four atlarge members.

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Become an Author with ABA Publishing

The ABA is a well-respected publisher known for providing attorneys and legal professionals with trusted legal resources. The ABA has staff in place to professionally publish and market legal publications. If you are interested in authoring a book for the ABA, or if you have a great book topic, we want to hear from you.

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