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Standing Committee on Continuing Legal Education

The Standing Committee on Continuing Legal Education (SCOCLE) aims to maintain the Association's role as the leader in continuing legal education by partnering with the Association's entities and diverse membership to create and deliver educational programs and services to our members and the legal profession that are innovative and of the highest quality.

Member Expectations

Commitment, Participation and Programming

  • 3-year commitment
    • Liaison term determined by entity
    • Special Advisor term one year
  •   Participation in meetings
    • Regular participation in subcommittee activity and full committee meetings at a distance (e.g., phone)
    • May have in-person gathering option available as well
  • Helping the ABA produce market-driven programming


A list of the specific subcommittees under SCOCLE

  • Participant and User Experience Subcommittee
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Outreach and Policy Implementation Subcommittee
  • Program Content and SDF Relations Subcommittee
  • Co-Sponsorship Review and Strategy Subcommittee

Participant and User Experience Subcommittee

Hon. Jodi Levine, Co-Chair, Christina Miller, Co-Chair - The Participant and User Experience Subcommittee addresses the challenges and opportunities that arise in connection with in-person, hybrid, and virtual CLE tools. It reflects the perspective that both in-person and virtual CLE are here to stay - and that’s a good thing. It also reflects the fact that during the COVID pandemic, we have learned as a profession that it’s good to be willing to meet your audience where they are, and not where you would like them to be. The Subcommittee supports the SCOCLE’s efforts to gather information about, think about, and assess the quality and functioning of our platforms and tools, from the perspectives of speakers, moderators, attendees, and staff.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Outreach and Policy Implementation Subcommittee

Diana Sen, Chair - The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (“DEI”) Outreach and Policy Implementation Subcommittee addresses the challenges and opportunities presented by the ABA’s goal to value diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of its work, including its CLE offerings. The Subcommittee also supports the SCOCLE’s work in connection with the ABA’s restated DEI policy and CLE accreditation, and the implementation of that policy.

Program Content and SDF Relations Subcommittee

Cali Franks, Co-Chair, Hon. Leslie Miller Co-Chair - The Program Content and Sections-Divisions-Forums (“SDF”) Relations Subcommittee addresses the many ways in which the ABA’s entities contribute to the outstanding quality of the ABA’s CLE programming, and how to promote the exchange of ideas and best practices among these groups. The Subcommittee also supports the SCOCLE’s efforts to engage with the ABA entities, such as the Section Officers Conference, that work across these entities to facilitate, enhance, and improve CLE as a valuable ABA member benefit.

Co-Sponsorship Review and Strategy Subcommittee

A. Joshua Markus, Chair - The Co-Sponsorship Review and Strategy Subcommittee carries out the SCOCLE role in considering whether to approve requests to co-sponsor CLE programs with non-ABA entities. It also works to clarify and improve that process, including by simplifying and making more accessible the co-sponsorship approval process. The Subcommittee also supports the SCOCLE’s efforts to consider how the ABA can improve its partnerships with outside entities, including how, where, and why it should partner through joint efforts, including co-sponsorship, with other legal professional entities.

SCOCLE Membership