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July 15, 2020

Insurance and Mitigation

Collection of Insurance Related Policies (2/09).  A set of seven policies related to improving availability and affordability of insurance to protect property damage from storms and natural catastrophes and to improve handling of claims following such events. Two of the policies would also urge government to use tools such as risk appropriate building codes, cost-effective retrofitting measures, and land use policies to mitigate losses from future disasters. Click here to view the full text of this policy.

Hurricane Katrina and Rita Policies (2/06).  Urges Congress to reexamine all aspects of the federal flood insurance program to assure that those living in areas subject to hurricane and flood damage are aware of the risks inherent to living in such areas and understand the necessity of flood insurance. Click here to view the full text of this policy.

 Hurricane Katrina and Rita, independent commission (8/07). Among other things recommends Commission investigate and recommend appropriate measures designed to prevent or mitigate problems in responding to natural disasters in the future. Click here to view the full text of this policy.