A. Counsel should conduct independent investigations relating to the guilt/innocence phase and to the penalty phase of a capital trial. Both investigations should begin immediately upon counsel's entry into the case and should be pursued expeditiously.
B. The investigation for preparation of the guilt/innocence phase of the trial should be conducted regardless of any admission or statement by the client concerning facts constituting guilt.
C. The investigation for preparation of the sentencing phase should be conducted regardless of any initial assertion by the client that mitigation is not to be offered. This investigation should comprise efforts to discover all reasonably available mitigating evidence and evidence to rebut any aggravating evidence that may be introduced by the prosecutor.
D. Sources of investigative information may include the following:
1. Charging Documents:
Copies of all charging documents in the case should be obtained and examined in the context of the applicable statues and precedents, to identify (inter alia):
A. the elements of the charged offense(s), including the element(s) alleged to make the death penalty applicable;
B. the defenses, ordinary and affirmative, that may be available to the substantive charge and to the applicability of the death penalty;
C. any issues, constitutional or otherwise, (such as statutes of limitations or double Jeopardy) which can be raised to attack the charging documents.
2. The Accused:
An interview of the client should be conducted within 24 hours of counsel's entry into the case, unless there is a good reason for counsel to postpone this interview. In that event, the interview should be conducted as soon as possible after counsel's appointment. As soon as is appropriate, counsel should cover A-E below (if this is not possible during the initial interview, these steps should be accomplished as soon as possible thereafter):
A. seek information concerning the incident or events giving rise to the charge(s), and any improper police investigative practice or prosecutorial conduct which affects the client's rights;
B. explore the existence of other potential sources of information relating to the offense, the client's mental state, and the presence or absence of any aggravating factors under the applicable death penalty statute and any mitigating factors;
C. Collect information relevant to the sentencing phase of trial including, but not limited to: medical history, (mental and physical illness or injury of alcohol and drug use, birth trauma and developmental delays); educational history (achievement, performance and behavior) special educational needs including cognitive limitations and learning disabilities); military history (type and length of service, conduct, special training); employment and training history (including skills and performance, and barriers to employability); family and social history (including physical, sexual or emotional abuse); prior adult and Juvenile record; prior correctional experience (including conduct or supervision and in the institution/education or training/clinical services); and religious and cultural influences.
D. seek necessary releases for securing confidential records relating to any of the relevant histories.
E. Obtain names of collateral persons or sources to verify, corroborate, explain and expand upon information obtained in (c) above.
3. Potential Witnesses:
Counsel should consider interviewing potential witnesses, including:
A. eyewitnesses or other witnesses having purported knowledge of events surrounding the offense itself;
B. witnesses familiar with aspects of the client's life history that might affect the likelihood that the client committed the charged offense(s), possible mitigating reasons for the offense(s), and/or other mitigating evidence to show why the client should not be sentenced to death;
C. members of the victim's family opposed to having the client killed. Counsel should attempt to conduct interviews of potential witnesses in the presence of a third person who will be available, if necessary, to testify as a defense witness at trial. Alternatively, counsel should have an investigator or mitigation specialist conduct the interviews.
4. The Police and Prosecution:
Counsel should make efforts to secure information in the possession of the prosecution or law enforcement authorities, including police reports. Where necessary, counsel should pursue such efforts through formal and informal discovery unless a sound tactical reason exists for not doing so.
5. Physical Evidence:
Where appropriate, counsel should make a prompt request to the police or investigative agency for any physical evidence or expert reports relevant to the offense or sentencing.
6. The Scene:
Where appropriate, counsel should attempt to view the scene of the alleged offense. This should be done under circumstances as similar as possible to those existing at the time of the alleged incident (e.g. weather, time of day, and lighting conditions).
7. Expert Assistance:
Counsel should secure the assistance of experts where it is necessary or appropriate for:
A. preparation of the defense;
B. adequate understanding of the prosecution's case;
C. rebuttal of any portion of the prosecution’s case at the guilt/innocence phase or the sentencing phase of the trial;
D. presentation of mitigation. Experts assisting in investigation and other preparation of the defense should be independent and their work product should be confidential to the extent allowed by law. Counsel and support staff should use all available avenues including signed releases, subpoenas, and Freedom of Information Acts, to obtain all necessary information.