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December 01, 2013

Witness to Innocence Honors the Project at its Tenth Anniversary Celebration


On October 8, 2013, the Death Penalty Representation Project was deeply honored to receive a Legal Representation Award from Witness to Innocence, the nation’s only organization composed of and for exonerated death row survivors and their loved ones to publicize problems with the death penalty system. The Project was recognized at the Tenth Anniversary Celebration in Philadelphia. Other honorees included the Innocence Project, actor and activist Danny Glover (pictured), and the federal capital defender unit of Philadelphia. Sister Helen Prejean, author of “Dead Man Walking,” delivered the keynote address.

Accepting the award on the Project’s behalf, Director Robin Maher praised the work of Witness to Innocence and thanked the many exonerees who have assisted the Project’s efforts to recruit volunteer attorneys. “I am continually moved and astonished at the absence of anger, the generosity of spirit, and the compassion you have in your hearts,” Ms. Maher said. “You teach us so much by how you have chosen to live your lives.”