The National Judicial College and the Bureau of Justice Assistance, co-sponsored by the ABA Death Penalty Representation Project, will present a free webcast from San Francisco about Supreme Court case law and the death penalty. This program will be held on June 2, 2010 at 2:00 PM EDT.
Death penalty law is a body of law unto itself. The Supreme Court has developed rules for death penalty cases that apply in no other context. Applying rules to a death penalty proceeding as if it were a “typical” criminal case would practically guarantee reversible error. Yet as bewildering as the maze of rules may seem, they almost all derive from the Supreme Court’s effort to resolve an ongoing tension between too much and too little discretion at sentencing. The judge and counsel, therefore, must be more aware of Supreme Court cases than ever before. This webcast will prepare judges and new prosecution and defense counsel to be able to identify the pertinent Supreme Court capital punishment cases and extrapolate key information from them to apply in a capital case.
Instructor: Scott E. Sundby, Professor, Washington and Lee University, School of Law