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June 01, 2008

Systemic Litigation Work

With funding from the ABA Section of Litigation, the Project has launched a new initiative to address long standing systemic problems affecting the quality and availability of counsel for capital trial defendants and death row prisoners seeking post-conviction relief.  The Project will be working with pro bono counsel across the country to initiate systemic litigation challenging a variety of deficiencies, including (1) the method for selecting and assigning defense counsel, (2) the structure and workload of capital defender offices, (3) the compensation of capital defense counsel, and (4) restrictions on the funding for and selection of experts and mitigation specialists. The Project’s goal is to ensure that every state where the death penalty is available adopts statutes, rules, and procedures that are consistent with the ABA Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty Cases. If you are interested in assisting with this work, please contact us.