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March 01, 2008

Legal Developments

It has been 25 years since the first lethal injection (LI) occurred in the UnitedStates, but increasing concern over the procedure has resulted in de facto moratoriums across the country this past year.

On January 7, 2008, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Baze v. Rees, which presents the question whether Kentucky's LI protocol is constitutional.

The Project's recent involvement in this area includes the recruitment of three pro bono firms to file amicus briefs at the United States Supreme Court, and the recruitment of volunteer firms to challenge LI protocols in California,Texas, and Arizona.

The Project thanks the following firms for their probono assistance in this area: Munger Tolles & Olson LLP, GoodwinProctor LLP, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, O'Melveny & Myers LLP, and Steptoe & Johnson LLP.