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Informational Meeting in Boston – June 2006

Informational Meeting in Boston – June 2006

Judge Nancy Gertner speaking at the John Joseph Moakley US Courthouse   

Gail McDonald welcomes guests at the Courthouse

Volunteer death penalty lawyer Laurie Carafone (Dwyer & Collora LLP) 

ABA President Mike Greco

ABA President Mike Greco with meeting attendee   

Meeting attendees at the Westlaw sponsored reception

On June 28, 2006, Judge Nancy Gertner of the United States District Court of Massachusetts hosted a pro bono informational meeting at the John Joseph Moakley US Courthouse. Private bar lawyers, judges, and members of the law school and public interest communities attended the meeting and a post-meeting reception sponsored by Thomas West. Speakers included Robin Maher, Director of the Death Penalty Representation Project; Michael Greco, President of the American Bar Association; and volunteer death penalty lawyers Julia Frost-Davies, Tom Lowenstein and Laurie Carafone. Each speaker discussed the importance of pro bono assistance and their experiences working on post-conviction death penalty cases. For more information about the meeting, please see the program agenda and photos below.