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Informational Meeting in Baltimore - November 2005

Informational Meeting in Baltimore - November 2005

Senator Joseph Tydings, Dean Karen Rothenberg
(Univ. of Maryland Law), and Chief Judge Benson Legg

Senator Joseph Tydings and Robin Maher

On November 2, 2005, Chief Judge Benson Everett Legg of the District Court for the District of Maryland hosted a pro bono informational meeting at the federal courthouse in Baltimore. Over 50 private bar lawyers, judges, and members of the law school and public interest communities attended the meeting and the post-meeting reception. Speakers, including Robin Maher, Director of the Death Penalty Representation Project, discussed the need for pro bono assistance and their experiences as attorneys working on post-conviction death penalty cases. For more information about the meeting, please see the program agenda, the text of Magistrate Judge James K. Bredar's remarks, and photos below.