Crisis of Funding for Death Penalty Defense – Aug 9, 2008
CLE PROGRAM: Crisis of Funding for Death Penalty Defense
The ongoing crisis over death penalty representation is having wide consequences across our criminal justice system. For years, attorneys have been forced to represent death penalty clients without adequate compensation and resources, causing a complete disruption of the criminal justice system and directly impacting the administration of justice across the country. How extensive is the problem, how is it affecting state and federal courts and defendants, and what should be done? A distinguished panel of practitioners will attempt to address these questions and offer various perspectives on the short and long term implications of our faltering justice system.
This is a complimentary program.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
8:30 until 10:00 AM
Sheraton New York Hotel
811 7th Avenue at 52nd Street
New York, New York 10019
Executive Conference Center
Conference Room J
For more information about this event please contact the Project at (202) 662-1738 or email us at */ [email protected] .