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State AI Task Force Information

The Center for Innovation and Center for Bar Leadership are working to gather information about all State Bar Associations AI Task Forces. If you have additional information for your state please connect with us so we can add your work to the list.

State: California

State: Florida

State: Illinois

State: Kentucky

  • Name of Task Force: Kentucky AI Task Force
  • Website: N/A
  • Deliverables: N/A
  • Contact Information:

State: Maryland

  • Name of Task Force: The Maryland State Bar Association Artificial Intelligence Task Force
  • Website: N/A
  • Deliverables: N/A
  • Resources
  • Contact Information:

State: Minnesota

State: New York

State: Texas

State: Virginia

Resolution of the VBA Board of Governors establishing the VBA Task Force on AI (

  • Contact Information:
    • Executive Director:  Paul E. Fletcher, The Virginia Bar Association, Richmond. [email protected]. (804) 644-0041.
