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Through its Fellowship Program, the ABA Center for Innovation helps emerging and established legal innovators to create a new program, project, or tool. 

NextGen Fellows

NextGen Fellows are recent—within the last five years—law school graduates, who spend one year in residence at ABA Headquarters to develop an innovative tool, product, or program that will improve access to and delivery of legal services in America. NextGen Fellows receive salary, benefits, space, and training. Bar admission is not required. Current Fellows are working on a wide range of projects, including cybersecurity tools for marginalized populations, software to aid persons facing eviction, and an app to help self-represented litigants.

Innovation Fellows

Innovation Fellows are midcareer attorneys or other experts, who spend 9 to 12 weeks at ABA Headquarters to develop an innovative tool, product, or program that will improve access to and delivery of legal services in America. Innovation Fellows do not receive a salary, stipend, or benefits, but are given time, space, and training. Current Fellows are working on a wide range of projects, including collaborative software for innocence projects, electronic matching programs for scholars and advocates, and even building a state-specific innovation center.

Fellowship Spotlight

Fellows share their thoughts and experiences about their fellowships in our Fellowship Spotlight.