Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
Loyola University New Orleans School of Law
Law School Pro Bono Programs
Contact Information
Judson Mitchell
Pro Bono Coordinator
[email protected]
Category Type
Public Service Graduation Requirement Program
Description of Programs
Law students at Loyola have the option of participating in the Gillis Long Student Pro Bono Program to satisfy the Law and Poverty requirement needed for graduation.
Students may satisfy the Law and Poverty requirement by fulfilling any one of the following options: take the Law and Poverty Seminar (LAW 782); take Street Law (LAW 833); represent low income people in the Clinical Seminar (LAW 897); or perform 50 hours pro bono legal services to the poor in one academic year in a pre-approved setting.
The Gillis Long Student Pro Bono Program requires fifty hours of pro bono work which the student may perform at any time during their law school career. The Pro Bono Program places students at approved sites where students can gain practical legal experience while performing legal work such as conducting client interviews, legal research and writing, and, in some cases, representing clients before the courts where it is permitted by law. Areas of practice include such fields as domestic law, homeless law, mental health law, juvenile law, social security issues, the death penalty, elder law, consumer law, and AIDS issues. The Gillis Long Student Pro Bono Program seeks to provide students with the opportunity to gain practical legal experience to aid their development as professionals, create a greater awareness of the obligation to provide legal services to the disadvantaged, foster development of the bar, and provide quality legal services to our community.
All placements must be approved in advance by the Pro Bono Coordinator. Pro bono placements with private practitioners or firms may be approved where: (1) there is no concurrent paid employment relationship between the law student and the private practitioner or firm, and (2) the work to be performed has been assigned through the local legal aid services provider, by court appointment, or by referral from the local office of the public defender, or (3) it has been approved by the Coordinator of the program in advance. Students can volunteer with one of the in-house clinics.
The program is open to first through third year students. The fifty-hour requirement is merely a minimum guideline. Students are encouraged to do more. Placements are promoted through brochures, newsletters, and the program's interactive website: The Program's interactive, web-based administration makes it easy for students to sign up, select a placement or propose their own, submit pro bono hours, and complete their evaluations.
Location of Programs
The Gillis Long Student Pro Bono Program is a part of the endowed Gillis Long Poverty Law Center.
The Pro Bono Coordinator position is a half-time position. Mr. Mitchell is a full-time employee who spends the other 50% time as a staff attorney with the Homeless Clinic.
In 1985, Congress provided Loyola University with federal funds to create an endowed Poverty Law Center in the name of Gillis W. Long. Congressman Long served the people of Louisiana in Washington DC from 1973 until his death in 1985 and was known for his commitment to the working and poor people of Louisiana.
The Pro Bono Coordinator is a salaried employee whose expenses, if any, are paid through the Loyola Law Clinic. The Pro Bono Program does not have a separate budget.
Faculty pro bono is supported in the way of travel or research funds for presentations, etc.
Student Run Pro Bono Groups/Specialized Law Education Projects
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program - Volunteer law students provide income tax assistance to low-income filers.
Faculty and Administrative Pro Bono
There is no formal faculty pro bono policy. Faculty are required to perform public service which is noted in annual salary/performance evaluations.
The Gillis Long Poverty Law Center annually recognizes students, faculty, and alumni who have demonstrated a commitment to working for social justice for the poor. These Public Service Awards are presented at the Spring Distinguished Speaker Lecture.
Community Service
Student organization leaders arrange group community service activities. Regular projects include: Christmas in October, where students revitalize homes for the elderly; food and clothing projects for the homeless; and Christmas and Thanksgiving donation drives of food, gifts, clothing for indigent people.
Law School Public Interest Programs
Contact Information
Barbara Wilson
Budget Director
[email protected]
Gillis Long Poverty Law Center
Certificate/Curriculum Programs
Students must complete Poverty Law requirement for graduation by electing coursework in the Law Clinic, the Law & Poverty course, Law & Poverty Seminar, Street Law Course, or by completing 50 hrs. of pro bono service.
Public Interest Centers
The Gillis Long Poverty Law Center - The Gillis Long Poverty Law Center, established in 1985, promotes legal research and education about the problems of poor people and assists those providing legal services to those unable to afford representation.
Public Interest Clinics
Law Clinic - The Loyola Law Clinic Students receive six hours credit for two semesters and gain practical experience under the supervision of clinical faculty.
Students are encouraged to apply beginning the start of the spring semester of the academic year prior to the start of your desired externship. Application deadline is generally the last day of February.
Students must be given permission to register by Prof. Molina. Students must make a commitment for two semesters, unless the placement allows you to participate for one semester only. Students need permission from the externship faculty if you intend to participate for one semester only. Also, you may not have outside employment unless you are specifically authorized by the placement and the externship faculty. Class participation is required. Class includes journals, selected readings and discussions, and student presentations. You must also keep a time sheet.
Placements have included: Louisiana Supreme Court; United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana; Office of the Judicial Administrator of the Louisiana Supreme Court; Administrative Law Judge for the United States Department of Labor; Louisiana Attorney Disciplinary Board; National Labor Relations Board; United States Bankruptcy Trustee; United States Bankruptcy Court; United States Coast Guard; Advocacy Center; Innocence Project.
For further information, please see
Classes with a Public Service Component
Law & Poverty Course
Law & Poverty Seminar
Street Law
Public Interest Journals
Loyola University New Orleans Journal of Public Interest Law Printing costs and $12,000 in scholarships for editorial board members are provided by the Gillis Long Poverty Law Center.
PI Career Support Center
Louisiana Small Firm & Public Interest Job Fair
Legal Services Directors Meeting held in spring to recruit and inform students about summer public interest opportunities.
Prepared and updated public interest section of the Office of Career Services Student Handbook. Planned public interest seminars, workshops, and guest speakers. Matched students with public interest mentors. Arranged for site visits to introduce students to public interest employers. Helped arrange volunteer summer and school-year internships for students.
Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAP)
For further information, see
Post-Graduate Fellowships/Awards
Law School Funded:
Graduate Student Funded:
Other Funding Sources:
Term Time Fellowships/Scholarships
Law School Funded:
Graduate Student Funded
Other Funding Sources:
Summer Fellowships
Law School Funded:
Graduate Student Funded:
Other Funding Sources:
The Gillis Long Poverty Law Center places students for ten weeks in Legal Services Offices, awarding stipends of $4,000 with additional allowance for travel. The Center places approximately 25 students at an approximate total cost of $96,000.
Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Programs
Distinguished Speaker Series
Classroom visitors
Two major and three smaller lectures
Student Public Interest Groups
Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)
Black Law Students Association (BLSA)
Loyola Public Interest Law Group
Spanish American Law Students Association (SALSA)
St. Thomas More Society