University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law
University of Louisville
Law School Pro Bono Programs
Contact Information
Laurel Hajek — Assistant Dean for Career Services & Public Svc
University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law
[email protected]
+1-502-852-6092 [tel]
+1-502-852-0862 [fax]
Category Type
Pro Bono Graduation Requirement Program
Description of Programs
Law students are required to complete 30 hours of public service at approved placements after the first semester of their first year of law school.
The Samuel L. Greenebaum Public Service Program began as a voluntary program and became a mandatory program for the entering class of Fall 1991. The Program coordinates and certifies students' pro bono service. It provides a catalog listing of approved placements; students are required to reserve a placement with the Coordinator before contacting the placement and beginning their public service hours. As a condition to receiving credit for their public service hours, the students are required to complete a Student Evaluation Form for each placement.
The Program allows service out of state. It also encourages group projects, including pro bono legal clinics. Law students have been instrumental in organizing legal clinics for those with low income.
Location of Programs
Within the Office of Professional Development:
The Program is staffed by one full-time and one part time employee, a Director and a Coordinator.
Principal funding for the Samuel L. Greenebaum Public Service Program is provided through an endowment created by Richard and Jane Eskind and by annual gifts from Louisville attorney John S. Greenebaum. Ms. Eskind and Mr. Greenebaum have made their donations to honor their father, the late Samuel L. Greenebaum, a Louisville legal and civic leader. The annual budget is $100,087.
Student Run Pro Bono Groups/Specialized Law Education Projects
Pro Bono Wills Clinics - These clinics have been held at various sites in the Louisville area over the past several years.
Pro Se Divorce Clinics – These clinics, in conjunction with the Louisville Bar Association and the Legal Aid Society of Louisville, have been held at various sites in the Louisville area over the past several years.
Central High School Partnership
Student Bar Foundation
Faculty and Administrative Pro Bono
Faculty and staff engage in a variety of public service projects throughout the year.
The Samuel L. Greenebaum Award is given to the law student achieving the highest number of pro bono hours.
Community Service
Non-law related community service activities are primarily promoted by the Student Bar Association.
Law School Public Interest Programs
Contact Information
Laurel Hajek — Assistant Dean for Career Services & Public Svc
University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law
[email protected]
+1-502-852-6092 [tel]
+1-502-852-0862 [fax]
Certificate/Curriculum Programs
Public Interest Centers
Samuel L. Greenebaum Public Service Program:
Public Interest Clinics
Domestic Violence and Immigration Clinics
We offer externships and internships at government and non-profits around the region.
Classes with a Public Service Component
Public Interest Journals
PI Career Support Center
Support is provided by Laurel Hajek, Assistant Dean for the Office of Professional Development at 502/852-6096 or [email protected].
Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAP)
Post-Graduate Fellowships/Awards
Law School Funded:
Graduate Student Funded:
Other Funding Sources:
Term Time Fellowships/Scholarships
Law School Funded:
Graduate Student Funded
Other Funding Sources:
Summer Fellowships
Law School Funded:
Ellen Ewing Fellowships - Annual Summer Public Interest Fellowships ($2,500 - $3,000 for ten weeks) are funded by a law school fundraiser, "Lawlapalooza", allowing students to work at The Legal Aid Society of Louisville.
Greenebaum Public Service Fellowships – Annual summer public interest fellowships ($1,000 - $3,000 for ten weeks) funded through the Samuel L. Greenebaum Public Service Program.
Graduate Student Funded:
Other Funding Sources:
Annual Summer Public Interest Fellowships ($3,000 - $3,500 for ten weeks) are funded by a grant from the Kentucky Interest on Lawyers Trust Accounts (IOLTA) Fund to work at various legal aid agencies throughout Kentucky.
Edwin H. Perry Mediation Fellowships - A local lawyer has funded fellowships to train students for pro bono service. Each year this program offers a number of fellowships in mediation. Student "fellows" receive basic, family and divorce mediation skills training (70 hours), then apply their knowledge in thirty hours of family law mediation to fulfill their public service requirement. The "fellows" become part of the Louisville Bar Association Family Law Pro Bono Teams Project, mediating all matters of child visitation and custody for each case assigned to a team. .There is no monetary amount for these fellowships. Each student selected for a fellowship will receive free mediation training valued at $1,000.
Extracurricular and Co-Curricular Programs
Lunch programming - Public Interest attorneys are invited to speak and describe opportunities for law students to complete their public service requirement or law students present on public service activities.
Week-Long Public Service Projects – Students interested in fulfilling their public service requirement while gaining valuable law-related experience after their first semester of law school can participate in the week-long project program. Special projects geared specifically for first year students are assembled for students to do their public service hours over the holiday break.
Student Public Interest Groups
Student Bar Foundation - Charity Auction to fund student public interest fellowships