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University of Oklahoma College of Law

University of Oklahoma
College of Law
300 Timberdell Road
Norman, OK 73019

Law School Pro Bono Programs

Contact Information

Cathleen Creegan
Associate Director of Career Development
[email protected]
(405) 325-4717

Category Type

Independent Student Pro Bono Group Projects

Description of Programs

Students self-report their pro bono hours, with several law-school sponsored opportunities.

Location of Programs

Career Services


There is not a dedicated pro bono staff position. 


The College of Law provides funding for the program. Public Interest Summer fellowships are funded through a combination of school funding and donations.

Faculty and Administrative Pro Bono

Faculty and professional staff are encouraged to do pro bono work and all faculty and professional staff who complete at least 25 hours of pro bono every academic year are recognized at an annual Pro Bono Awards Reception.


Students who meet certain requirements are presented awards at a dedicated Pro Bono Awards event in the spring.

Alternative Winter or Spring Break Program


Law School Public Interest Programs

Contact Information

Rachel Moll
Career Development Coordinator
[email protected]
P: (405) 325-4860

Certificate/Curriculum Programs

None listed

Public Interest Centers

None listed

PI Career Support Center

The University offers career counseling and application materials review and hosts a career fair for government and public interest employers.

Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAP)

None listed


