Northern Kentucky University Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Northern Kentucky University
Law School Pro Bono Programs
Contact Information
Kathy Kelly
Assistant Director of Career Development/Pro Bono Coordinator
[email protected]
Category Type
Pro Bono Graduation Requirement Program
Description of Programs
Students are required to complete 30 hours of legal pro bono service in order to graduate.
Location of Programs
Career Services
Kathy Kelly manages the program by assisting students in finding pro bono opportunities and making sure that students complete their hours before graduation.
The Pro Bono Service Program is funded through the law school's operating budget.
Faculty and Administrative Pro Bono
Student recognition for pro bono work is given by a transcript designation. The student most active in pro bono volunteer work is recognized at the annual pro bono luncheon of the Northern Kentucky Volunteer Lawyers.
Alternative Winter or Spring Break Projects
Law School Public Interest Programs
Contact Information
Assistant Dean Heather Crabbe
Assistant Dean of Students
316 Nunn Hall
Highlands Heights, KY 41099
[email protected]
Certificate/Curriculum Programs
Public Interest Centers
PI Career Support Center
Chase College of Law provides career assistance for students seeking public interest careers, including career counseling, document review, networking, and interview assistance. Students participate in the Equal Justice Works career fair every year and apply for Equal Justice Works programs including the Rural Corps Program. We financially support stipends for students interning in public interest organizations during summer months. We invite public interest employers on campus to connect students with public interest opportunities. These efforts result in numerous public interest summer placements and post graduate positions for our students.
Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAP)