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Willamette University College of Law

Willamette University College of Law
Truman Wesley Collins Legal Center
245 Winter Street, SE
Salem, OR 97301

Law School Pro Bono Programs

Contact Information

Tomas Hernandez
Assistant Dean of Career Planning and Development
[email protected]
(503) 370-6458 

Category Type

Formal Voluntary Pro Bono Program Characterized by a Referral System with a Coordinator. 

Description of Programs

The Pro Bono Honors Program is designed to encourage students to participate in community-based volunteer legal service projects. The Program allows students to enhance their learning experience through hands-on involvement in the community, while providing valuable services to people in need. 

Location of Programs

The Associate Director of Career Services administers the Pro Bono Honors Program. 


The Assistant Director of Career Services administers the Pro Bono Honors Program.


The Program is funded through the Placement Office.

Faculty and Administrative Pro Bono

There is no formal faculty pro bono policy. However, the Pro Bono Program of the Clinical Law Program promotes and facilitates pro bono service for faculty members. 


Willamette gives an annual Pro Bono Student of the Year award to the graduating student who has contributed the most pro bono work during law school. All students who participate in the Pro Bono Honors Program are honored at our Spring Reception. Those completing the minimum number of hours required earn certificates.

The Pro Bono Honors Program is designed to encourage students to participate in community-based volunteer legal service projects. The Program allows students to enhance their learning experience through hands-on involvement in the community, while providing valuable services to people in need. Students may also participate by volunteering beyond the hours required for academic credit in clinics and externships. Doing so permits them to continue developing their legal skills while serving the public."

Alternative Winter or Spring Break Projects

None listed. 

Law School Public Interest Programs

Contact Information


Certificate/Curriculum Programs

Willamette's five specialty certificate programs emphasize the unique and comprehensive training that participants complete in these areas. 

Public Interest Centers

The Center for Dispute Resolution teaches and explores the theory and practice of negotiation, mediation, arbitration and other appropriate, alternative methods of resolving disputes. The Center for Dispute Resolution, founded at Willamette University College of Law in 1983, was the first of its kind in the western United States and is the model against which similar endeavors are now measured.

The Willamette Center for Constitutional Government was established in 2002 to promote the impartial study and understanding of federal-state and government-citizen relations in the United States. The Center administers a curricular program (see Certificate in Law and Government), conducts symposia and conferences, sponsors programs of training and orientation for public and elected officials, and holds a yearly writing competition. The Center is housed at Willamette University College of Law, located in Salem adjacent to the state Capitol, the Oregon Supreme Court and various state agencies.

The Willamette University Center for Religion, Law and Democracy is an interdisciplinary center devoted to the exploration of the role of religion in law and in public life. The Center draws on Willamette's historic and ongoing strengths as a church-related college committed to academic excellence and public service, as well as its location adjacent to the Oregon State Capitol. The Center involves students and faculty from the College of Liberal Arts and the College of Law who teach, write, and engage in these issues on a continuing basis. As part of its mission, the Center conducts symposia, lectures, scholarly research and curriculum development, funds internships, and serves as a forum for the discussion of these intersecting issues.

PI Career Support Center

Placement Office staff provides counseling to all students interested in public interest careers. Workshops on various government/non-profit/legal aid services options are conducted frequently. 

Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAP)

Oregon State Bar LRAP- 

