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Pro Bono Exchange


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About Pro Bono Exchange

The ABA Center for Pro Bono provides technical assistance and planning advice on pro bono advocacy and development to a wide range of constituents. Our blog is a forum for sharing information on delivery models, insights in to pro bono participation, and other news and information connected to the provision of pro bono legal services to low income persons.

The Blog

This blog does not provide you with legal advice or legal representation. Your use of this blog should not be construed as creating an attorney-client relationship between you and the ABA, its agents or staff. This blog should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in your state.

The posts, corresponding materials and views on this page have not been approved by the ABA, the ABA Center for Pro Bono, or their staff or governing bodies.

If you would like to submit content to the Pro Bono Exchange blog, please contact Marissa LaVette

2019 postings


Pro Bono Exchange Archive 2011-2018

To access older posts go to the Pro Bono Exchange Archive.