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Pro Bono Opportunitites


2024 National Celebration of Pro Bono, October 20-26, 2024

Tuesday October 22

Introduction to Asylum and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Alaska  Bar Association


This program will improve general attorney wellness by encouraging attorneys to expand their pro bono practice and take on a new and rewarding area of law. I will discuss the basics of asylum cases and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status in the context of guardianships. Both asylum and Special Immigrant Juvenile Status provide protection to vulnerable immigrants. Asylum seekers are fleeing persecution in their home country. Special Immigrant Juvenile Status if for children who have been abandoned, abused, or neglected by one or both of their parents.

Wednesday October 23

Come For the Aurora, Stay for the Pro Bono:  How Out of State Attorneys Can Help Alaskans in Need

The Alaska Bar Association

Webinar, AK

Learn about Alaska's new rule allowing out of state pro bono attorneys to practice in Alaska and the pro bono opportunities and resources available.

Thursday October 24

Domestic Violence Protective Order Basics

Alaska Bar Association


Learn the basics about domestic violence protective orders and working with clients who have experienced trauma. 

Friday October 25

The Impact of Pro Bono in our Communities

Alaska Pro Bono Service Committee and the Alaska Legal Services Corporation


Joy Anderson and Autumn Smith with community panel members on the importance of accessibility to legal resources for low-income families via Pro Bono and/or Community Justice Worker Programs of Alaska Legal Services Corporation.