There are several email discussion lists sponsored by the American Bar Association, some of them public and others internal. The following eleven discussion lists are managed by staff on behalf of the Standing Committee for Pro Bono and Public Service and the Center for Pro Bono.
Faith Based Legal Services List
Faith based organizations are increasingly becoming a vital component in the provision of legal assistance to low income persons. Pro bono organizations are becoming more aware of the financial, volunteer, and leadership resources available through faith based groups. The Center for Pro Bono hosts a listserve dedicated to discussing the common issues of faith based resources in the delivery of legal assistance.
List owner: Cheryl Zalenski. This list is open to all who wish to join. Ask to be added to the Faith Based Legal Services discussion list
Law School Pro Bono List
The Law School Pro Bono list encourages and facilitates discussion, collaboration, and information sharing between law school pro bono and public service colleagues.
List owner: Marissa LaVette
List members are Deans, faculty or other law school pro bono and public service educators. Ask to be added to the Law School Pro Bono discussion list
Pro Bono List
This list provides a nationwide forum for discussion about pro bono issues, models, initiatives, challenges, successes and any other topics relevant to any aspect of pro bono. All persons interested in promoting participation in pro bono legal services are welcome to join.
List owner, Cheryl Zalenski
This is a closed list; people who wish to join must submit their request for approval. Ask to be added to the Pro Bono discussion list.
Probono State Support List
The Probono State Support list encourages and facilitates discussion and information exchange among the directors and coordinators of pro bono service providers as well as policy-makers in the area of legal assistance to low income persons.
List owner, Cheryl Zalenski
This is a closed list; subscribers join by invitation only. Ask to be added to the Probono State Support discussion list
Rural Pro Bono List
The Rural Pro Bono list invites the sharing of information and ideas which increase the delivery of legal services to rural populations. A particular focus is the use of technology to break down the barriers between urban and rural pro bono programs.
List owner, Cheryl Zalenski
This list is open to all who wish to join. Ask to be added to the Rural Pro Bono discussion list
Small Pro Bono Programs List
The ABA Center for Pro Bono has created a new listserv solely for pro bono programs with a small budget/staff. In recognition that such programs face challenges unique to their small staff size - and are not necessarily in rural areas - we are launching this listserv to give the staff of these programs an opportunity to network, pose questions to others similarly situated, and share creative solutions.
List owner: Cheryl Zalenski
This is a closed list; subscribers requests to join must be approved. Ask to be added to the Small Program Pro Bono Practice discussion list