The Vera C. Rubin Observatory, located high in the Andes in Chile, is expected to be operational near the end of 2023. The Rubin’s wide-field reflecting telescope will scan the entire southern sky every few nights. Our guest, Harvard Professor of Astronomy Edo Berger, is a leader in the Rubin Observatory’s work and will be our guide to what is intriguing in deep space, and how AI will help astronomers navigate this ocean of images.
Business Law Podcast
Too Many Stars! Too Many Galaxies! How to choose what to look at?
Edo Berger, Ama Adams, Marc Donner, Charles C Palmer, and Roland Leslie Trope
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Marc Donner
Marc Donner was born in a log cabin on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the waning half of the twentieth century. After high school he went west where he earned a BS at Caltech. After some time working at NASA...
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Charles C Palmer
Dr. Charles C. Palmer is CTO for Security and Privacy for IBM Research where he focuses on special projects relating to security & privacy, unique customer challenges, and national security issues. He is a member of...
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Roland Leslie Trope
Trope and Schramm LLP
Roland Trope Trope and Schramm LLP 310 East 49th Street New York, NY 10017 212.308.7558 (Office) 917.370.3705 (Mobile) [email protected] Roland Trope is a partner in the New York City offices of Trope and...
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