Jody R. Westby was spurred to write D&O Guide to Cyber Governance: Fiduciary Duties in the Digital Age in a time of increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks. “Boards and CEOs are not aware of what really needs to be done,” she said. “I wanted to develop a book that would tell boards and C-suites, here’s what you do to manage cyber risks, and to do it right according to the law and to best practices.” In this conversation, Westby highlights key points where board members get tripped up, delves into the book’s practical resources, and explains why she dedicated the book to E. Norman Veasey, former Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court and former Chair of the Business Law Section.
D&O Guide to Cyber Governance: Fiduciary Duties in the Digital Age is available from the American Bar Association in book and e-book form.
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