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A Deeper Dive — Case Law Matters: Identifying and Dealing with Controlling Stockholders

Nathaniel M Cartmell III, Nicholas D Mozal, Joseph R. Slights III, and Youmna Salameh

Nathaniel M. Cartmell III, Nicholas D. Mozal, Youmna Salameh, and former Vice Chancellor of the Delaware Court of Chancery Joseph R. Slights III provide keen insight into recent decisions under Delaware law that address controlling stockholders, extending the discussion of a CLE program at the ABA Business Law Section’s 2022 Hybrid Annual Meeting (now available as on-demand CLE). Their conversation delves into the determination of whether a control group exists, considerations around trading process for price in the context of the MFW decision, key differences in negotiating with a controller stockholder, and more.

The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.
