Mega deals—just like the M&A market as a whole—had a bad year in 2023. But a closer look at the proportion of the M&A market represented by mega deals (M&A transactions valued at $10 billion or greater), and at the average sizes for these deals, shows that this market segment’s performance was surprisingly strong.
On the Face of It, Mega Deals Had Dismal 2023
For both global and controlling-stake M&A mega deals, 2023 was worse than 2022 (the worst year for global M&A mega deals in five years), with the lowest deal volumes in either category since 2013. Deal volumes for global M&A mega deals dropped 19.4% from $720 billion in 2022 to $580.3 billion in 2023. Controlling-stake M&A mega deals also saw a drop in deal volumes from 2022 to 2023, falling 5.8% from $574.7 billion to $541.2 billion.