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The Committee accomplishes much of its work through task forces that are assigned to review and offer proposed amendments to the MBCA, including the Official Comment on each section. The amendments may include significant revisions of the MBCA, such as the 2016 Revision. Proposed amendments are presented to the Committee at a first reading. After deliberation by the Committee, which may include referring matters back to the task force, the Committee adopts the proposed amendment at the second reading. After the second reading, the Committee publishes the proposed amendment in The Business Lawyer and invites comments. After expiration of the comment period and the Committee’s consideration of comments received, the Committee considers the amendment on a third reading. If adopted by the Committee on the third and final reading, the amendment is adopted and published in The Business Lawyer. Upon adoption, the amendment becomes part of the MBCA.

*If approval on third reading is not shown as published, the amendment was given final approval as part of the 2016 Revision of the Model Business Corporation Act.

MBCA Amendments Proposed by the Committee

MBCA Amendments Approved by the Committee after the 2016 Revision

MBCA Amendments Included in the 2016 Revision